Personal Injury/Liability Claims are not limited to car accidents but that often is the perception. If you have been injured in an
accident, in a vehicle, at work or a business, slip and fall on ice, a dog bite from a neighbor’s dog, medical malpractice or anything
of the sort, please call us or come into our downtown Anderson Indiana law office and speak with one of our experienced personal
injury lawyers regarding the potenial of your claim. You may have rights to collect for pain and suffering, lost wages, and all of your
medical expenses. Because of the statute of limitations, the time in which you must file before you lose your rights to collect is
limited. It is therefore important that you do not wait to assert your rights. If your injuries prevent you from coming into the office,
please give us a call. We have visited clients in hospitals and at home when their injuries have prevented them from traveling to our
office. Our personal injury attorneys will work ceaslessly to ensure that you receive all of the compensation you are entitled to.
Personal Injury/Liability Claims are not limited to car
accidents but that often is the perception. If you
have been injured in an accident, in a vehicle, at
work or a business, slip and fall on ice, a dog bite
from a neighbor’s dog, medical malpractice or
anything of the sort, please call us or come into our
downtown Anderson Indiana law office and speak
with one of our experienced personal injury lawyers
regarding the potenial of your claim. You may have
rights to collect for pain and suffering, lost wages,
and all of your medical expenses. Because of the
statute of limitations, the time in which you must file
before you lose your rights to collect is limited. It is
therefore important that you do not wait to assert
your rights. If your injuries prevent you from coming
into the office, please give us a call. We have visited
clients in hospitals and at home when their injuries
have prevented them from traveling to our office. Our
personal injury attorneys will work ceaslessly to
ensure that you receive all of the compensation you
are entitled to.